General Education Programmes and the Budget for General Education

2025-01-15 11:04

The implementation of general education programmes is aimed at ensuring quality education, promoting the professional growth of students and teachers, and ensuring educational equality regardless of social and geographical conditions.

The appendix to the Law “On the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2024” stipulates that the objective of the General Education Programme is: the formation of a person with proper behavior and conduct, educated in the spirit of patriotism, statehood and humanism, through the comprehensive and harmonious development of mental, spiritual, physical and social abilities.

The development and support of the general education is implemented through 27 measures.









Code: General Education Programmes

11001 Elementary General Education

11002 Basic General Education

11003 Secondary General Education

11004 Special Elementary General Education

11005 Special Basic General Education

11006 Special Secondary General Education

11010 Specialized Elementary General Education

11011 Specialized Basic General Education

11012 Specialized Secondary General Education

11014 Implementation of Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in General Education

11015 Holding School Olympiads

11016 Providing the students of educational institutions with textbooks and educational materials

11017 Providing the educational institutions with teaching and educational materials

11018 Implementation of STEM Education and Development of Robotics in Schools

 11025 Assessment and testing services

11026 Participation in the Programme for International Student Assessment /PISA/

12001 Compensation to teachers of state general education schools of remote, border, mountainous and high-mountainous settlements of the Republic of Armenia

12002 Compensation of transportation costs for teachers of general education schools and school-age children

12003 Compensation for textbooks fees for children from border communities of the Republic of Armenia receiving social assistance

12004 Provision of additional payment to the teachers who have received a qualification category through attestation

12009 Providing nominal scholarships to students of general education schools

31001 Awarding the teachers of general education institutions on the occasion of “Teacher’s Day”

12015 Establishing a clear, increased salary scale for teachers teaching in the field of STEM (except mathematics) in all state general education institutions of the Republic of Armenia

12016 Establishing additional payments to teachers working in state educational institutions with up to 100 students in rural areas of the Republic of Armenia

12017 Establishing additional payments to teachers working in multi-component classes in the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia

11027 Conducting expertise of development programs of candidates for the position of director of a state general educational institution

12020 Programme to assist the teachers forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh in 2023

AMD 121.9 bln is allocated to the “General Education” Programme in 2024,, which has increased by 5.7% compared to the previous year.

Some of the measures are aimed at general education in schools: among them elementary, secondary and basic education, inclusive education, the implementation of education development, which is implemented, for example, through STEM Education and Development of Robotics in Schools, which develops orientation to natural sciences and mathematics, the holding of Olympiads, both republican and international, and the provision of additional payments to teachers. Also to providing support to students and teachers such as: providing the pupils of the elementary school with textbooks and educational literature; providing educational and methodological materials; compensation of transportation costs for teachers of general education schools and school-age children; providing nominal scholarships to students of general education schools who participated in the Olympiades and won.

This year, as it was in previous years, allocations of funding the measures for general education are dominating.


The figure shows the budget allocated to general education (elementary, basic and secondary) in the General Education Programme 2020-2024 (in thousand drams)

The expenditures are intended for the education of 403,722 students studying in 20,1 thousand classes of 1,335 general education schools, as well as for the education of 542 and 3,911 students enrolled in special and specialized general education schools, respectively.

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