About Component

2024-09-05 11:35

The sub-grants component of the “Budgets for Citizens” Project includes provision of grants for budget monitoring and analysis, implementation of advocacy campaigns in targeted directions in the budget process, as well as for the employment of young specialists of the budget sector and their involvement in budget process. Grants will be provided on the competitive basis to CSOs and Mass Media, which have participated in the training program aimed at developing the skills of CSOs and Mass Media within the framework of the Project. It is planned to provide 44 sub-grants: 12 sub-grants for budget monitoring and analysis, 20 sub-grants for advocacy campaigns and 12 sub-grants for the involvement of young professionals in CSO/Mass Media on an employment basis.

Detailed information on each type of sub-grants: 

  • Grants for budget monitoring and analysis: The main objective of grants allocated under this component is to analyze, monitor and improve the budgets of the target sectors, including the development of simplified budgets, as well as to ensure public participation and to increase impact in these processes. It is planned to provide up to 12 grants in two phases. During each phase, 6 grants will be awarded: 4 for monitoring budgets, 2 for creating simplified budgets. The duration of each grant shall be 6 (six) months.
  • Grants to conduct advocacy campaigns in targeted directions in the budget process: the main objective of this grant is to conduct advocacy campaigns based on the by conducting research on the specific needs of certain target groups and to understand their potential impact on the budget process. This grant will be provided in two phases as well.  It is planned to provide up to 20 grants. During each phase, 10 grants will be awarded (at least 5 to non-commercial or non-profit media, or consortia of CSOs and Mass Media). The duration of each grant shall be 6 (six) months.
  • The objective of Grants provided for the employment in the CSOs/Mass Media of trained young professionals in the budget analysis is the third and the last type of grants is to provide opportunity to the young professionals, who participated in the knowledge transfer training program in the framework of the “Budgets for Citizens ” Project, one year employment in the CSOs and Mass Media that applied for sub-grant programs for budget monitoring and analysis development involvement as well as for the advocacy implementation. 12 grants will be awarded, in two phases in this case. During each phase 6 grants with the duration of one year will be awarded.

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